St. Andrew's
Church of England Primary School

St Andrew's - a Good Samaritan School (Luke 10: 25-37). Making a difference, with faith, hope and love so all can flourish.

Digitial Ambassadors
Our school has a team of specially trained children who understand that the internet is an amazing place with tons of entertainment and information! Although, they understand that when we are using the internet, we need to know how to keep ourselves safe! Their job in school is to provide support and guidance on all things digital!

Our Digital Ambassadors have been a fixture of our school community for four years and support young people in their computing lessons and help to run our Online Safety Events in school. They have delivered assemblies to Key Stages one and two and have spent days with numerous classes talking to them all about staying safe online.
Digital Ambassadors are our higher level of support within the school and drawn from Year 5 and 6. They work closely with the schools Online Safety Lead, Senior Leadership Team and Governors to promote online safety in school and review school policies and produce display materials. They also meet with school governors, school inspectors and parents to share their knowledge and explain their roles within the school.
Lead Ambassador
I wanted to be a digital ambassador because I really like programming and creating videos. I also want to make sure that all children are safe when they are online.
Lead Ambassador
I love being able to teach digital safety in different classes and see children understand the importance of being safe online! I feel that it allows me to make a difference in school and help people.
Lead Ambassador
I wanted to be a Digital Ambassador again this year because it has allowed my confidence in school grow. We have worked together in Computing clubs and helped to share the knowledge of keeping safe online through the school.
Lead Ambassador
I wanted to be a digital ambassador because I love learning about computing in Year 5 and want to share that knowledge with other children in school.
What We Do?
We help people with internet and computing issues.
We give advice on age appropriate games and apps for children of a primary school age.
We ensure children are knowledgeable about how to stay safe online by doing assemblies and class workshops.
Hold competitions.
Child Led Workshops
Digital Ambassador Workshops
This term, we have decided to focus on online safety at home. Last term, we got all of the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children to fill in a questionnaire. This term we are going to use the results of that to think about what needs to be focused on in these sessions. Our first parents meeting is Tuesday 28th January at 9am.
Last term, the Year 6 Digital Ambassadors planned and created a presentation to highlight that term's focus, which was visual safety.
This is the focus that was decided from the child questionnaires that were sent out and the queries that were expressed to the digital ambassadors. This was all decided by the digital ambassadors through meetings and discussions.
The children have gone into each KS2 class to deliver the sessions. They created resources and a presentation to highlight the key issues that children are facing with keeping themselves safe. Each session was 45 minutes long and ended with a questionnaire that the children had created to see where there are gaps in children’s knowledge or where children still feel that they might need help keeping themselves safe.
The children decided that it would be best to talk to the KS1 children in an assembly, which they found very helpful.
Below are some quotes from the children to show the impact of the sessions.
‘I really enjoyed the session. I thought it was brave that they came in and taught an older class all about keeping themselves safe. They knew so much information and were able to answer all of the questions that we asked! I do not think I would have had the confidence to do this last year!’
- Year 6 child
‘I really enjoyed all of the activities! I liked that they had used images of themselves and showed us what not to do! I think that sometime we can forget what we should and shouldn’t put online and this has really made me think about how I look online and what people can find out about me!’
- Year 4 child
‘We need to do more sessions like this! I really liked it because I felt like I could talk to them because they are like me! I felt much more comfortable talking about what I do online!’
- Year 3 child
When asked why they wanted to do these sessions the digital ambassadors said:
‘We decided to do these sessions and have a different focus each term. This is because we believe that e safety needs to been a focus this year in school. Everyone in school is online in some way and they need to be able to keep themselves safe, and it is our job to help them to do this. These sessions help us to help them keep safe!’
Digital Ambassador Visual Esafety Lessons
As a follow up to the sessions that the Digital ambassadors planned and taught, they decided to have a competition in school to see which children had learnt the most from the sessions. Here are some of the posters that the children throughout KS2 created at home.
What the digital ambassadors had to say:
‘We loved how enthusiastic the children were about creating the posters and how much time they spent at home making sure that the information that they included was accurate and helpful to other children.’
‘This really made us happy after all, of the time we had spent planning this terms sessions!’
‘We are now very excited to start planning the next terms topic!’
Our focus for Spring term is: How to protect your well-being online
‘We have decided to focus on this because part of keeping yourself safe online is understanding that not everything you read of are told online is real, and you need to be able to tell the difference.’
- Dea (Digital Ambassador)
This week we have been looking at keeping ourselves safe online through the Safter Internet resources.
We have been given lots of information by our schools Digital Ambassadors.
Have a look at this years theme - https://youtu.be/Ag4KIJEyrBo
Here is some more information you many find interesting...
Advice about phones - https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/parents-and-carers/phones
Ipads - https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/parents-and-carers/tablets
Gaming - https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/parents-and-carers/games-consoles
The children are currently planning the next sessions and will be having workshops with each of the KS2 classes after the Easter holiday.
Questions for Parents
Do you know what your child is up to in the online world?
Do you have conversations about what your child does on their electronics?
Do you know what apps/games your child accessing?
Questions for Children
Do you think about the PEGI rating of a game before you play it?
How long do you spend online?
Do you have any social media and do your parents know about it?
Keeping Yourself Safe
Below are some helpful links.
If you are worried and need advice Childline are available anytime to give support.
Childline Phone Number 0800 11 11
Their website is https://www.childline.org.uk/