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School News

Autumn 2 - Revolution

This half term we have an amazing new topic about Victorians!

We have started off the term by finding out information about one of the most influential women in history... Queen Victoria!

Ask you child to hear the weird and wonderful facts we have discovered!


We have started looking at the horrific conditions of the workhouses. We are working towards creating a diary entry of a child in the workhouse.

Here is a link to horrible histories to fill you in on the Vile Victorians! 

Blists Hill

Last Friday, Year 5 went to Blists Hill and we had an absolutely amazing day!

While we were there, the teachers had organised for us to take part in a Victorian classroom. For this we had to dress up as Victorians! It was amazing to travel back in time and see how they lived then! 

Here are some pictures of us being Victorians... 

Not only were we dressed up but there were other people dressed as Victorians. They showed us the jobs that they used to do and told us about what life was like in this time.

This was really interesting for us to see! 


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