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Year 1 Class Page

Welcome to Year 1


Year 1 is a fabulous year by where you will learn and grow into independent learners having enormous amounts of fun along the way! Your child will experience a range of opportunities engaging them into the different units they will cover this year.


Keep popping back as we’ll be updating this page throughout the year.


If you have any questions about Year 1, please speak to the class teachers at the end of the day who will be happy to offer support and help where needed.

Year 1 Staff


The Class Teachers are:

1S: Mrs Smith

1Q: Mrs Quinton

We are incredibly lucky in Year 1 as we have Mrs Cope, Miss Bladen, Miss Allen, Miss Begum and Mrs Thomas who also help support your child within their classrooms.


Important Information

Every day

Reading folder including book and blue diary.


PE Kit



PE Kit

Your child must bring their named PE kit in a bag so that they can get changed in school for each lesson. If your child struggles to get themselves changed, please practise at home so that they are confident to do it themselves at school.


Also, no jewellery to be worn on those days please.


Water Bottles

Please ensure children have their own water bottles and that their names are on them.



Year 1 children will be given their creative homework at the start of each half term and it will then be handed in at the end of the half term.

They will also be given weekly spellings.


Please can you ensure you can access Marvellous Me on your phone as we will be sending messages, homework and extra information.

Curriculum planners

Coming soon

Ideas to do at home

Coming soon.

What we are up to in Year 1

Click on a story below to read more and/or view the photograph galleries.

Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
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