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Year 3 Class Page

Welcome to Year 3


We welcome you with big smiles. This is a very exciting year with lots of great learning opportunities and fun activities for the children to get involved with. You can find out more about what Year 3 are learning.


We are passionate about sharing our learning and you will see regular updates on this Year 3 web page.


The staff are friendly so if you have any questions please speak to the class teachers at the end of the day. They will be more than happy to offer support and help where needed.


The Year 3 staff team is made up of class teachers: Mrs Cooper-Sayer and Mrs Sond.


We are also very lucky to have additional support in class from Mrs Fellows, Miss Begum and Miss Kang.


Important Information


Monday for both classes

In addition - Wednesday for 3S only, Thursday for 3CS only

Bring your PE kit into school in a clearly named PE bag. You need a white T-shirt, blue shorts and some black pumps / trainers. In colder weather the children can bring in a dark navy or black matching tracksuit.


Friday (After February half term during the Spring Term)

Bring your swimming kit into school in a clearly named PE bag. You need a swimming costume / trunks and a towel.


Remember (at least 3 times a week) to log onto Timestables Rock Stars at least 3 times a week. Remember you should be fluent with all of your quick recall timetables up to 12x12. A good website to log onto is


Remember to read at home. Our school has paid into BugClub. This is an excellent resource that allows you to read a selection of different books in fun and exciting interactive ways.


Curriculum Planners

Coming soon​

Maths Knowledge Organisers

Our Key Spellings to Learn
What we are up to in Year 3


Click on a story below to read more and/or view the photograph galleries.

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